
藝術 ART · 時尚 FASHION · 品味 LIFESTYLE ·文創 design

2019年國際軟陶藝術家 溫暄文創立《 WENWENWORKS  》軟陶工藝生活美學品牌,她融合東西方千年文化工藝,創製出獨特技法 { 溫紋陶 } ,並與當代生活創意相結合,不僅僅是一種新文化生活創造,更是對傳統工藝的繼承與宏揚,與現代材料、技術生產的應用,體現『實用藝術 Functional art』開創台灣獨有的『當代工藝』的生活美學精品品牌。

她深信,美,不僅是外表的美化與裝飾,也包含健康、文化與藝術 ; 美,更是由內而生,從健康的飲食、到心靈的富足,到精神層面的愉悅。《 WENWENWORKS 》從更內在的安心健康生活,創造個人美麗與獨特的品味與態度。

歡迎您加入我們,很榮幸能陪您一同品嘗收藏每一分秒 {非凡珍貴} {獨一無二} 的生活品味美學。


International polymer clay artist Sherry Wen founded "WENWENWORKS". Integrating Eastern and Western cultural craftsmanship, she has created a unique technique {WenWen Clay Technique}, starting from designing household products, introducing the concept of environmental sustainability, hand-made beauty and practicality; to create Taiwan's unique "contemporary craftsmanship" in a series of distinct functional art.

傳 承 (6)

創辦人 / 設計師

在國際袖珍界嶄露頭角的袖珍軟陶藝術家 溫暄文(Hsuan-wen Sherry Wen),出生於台灣,分別在台灣-台灣大學與澳洲-新南威爾斯大學,完成生物與資訊管理兩個碩士學位,因工作旅居南非十多年,認識了多位藝術家,重拾從小在台灣升學主義下,被壓抑的藝術天份。從事微縮模型和軟陶藝術十二年,是台灣第一位取得FIMO軟陶日本師範級教師認定證的藝術家,擅長微縮模型、軟陶藝術、花條與家飾領域,其高超的手工藝,也成為南非手作雜誌 CraftWise的特約藝術家。

當代珠寶設計師 Jacqueline Ruban說過,完美的珠寶,能激發情感,並優雅反映個人內在美感的本質。溫暄文(Hsuan-wen Sherry Wen)這樣認為,個人用品應當更是。她相信,實用的生活用品可以將藝術真正融入生活,於是鑽研軟陶工藝,融合中國漆器文化的「屈輪·堆朱」,日本「木目金」金屬工藝,及從西方18世紀發揚的「千花玻璃工藝」,創製出其獨有技法 { 溫紋陶 },超過18層以上軟陶層層堆疊、拼接後,再加以打凸、下凹、扭轉、塑形,可製作渦紋、木紋、流水…等等美麗的花紋圖案。件件紋理不同,再搭配徒手捏塑製作的高度技術,將軟陶藝術應用在生活實用精品,創造“美觀與尊榮感,使人們隨時隨地攜帶”的藝術,在藝術的背後,她向更多人傳達愛地球的概念。 

Founder/Designer/WenWen Clay Technique

Sherry Wen, founder and designer of WENWENWORKS, believes that practical products can truly integrate art into life. Hand crafts can warm people’s hearts; they can disseminate serious issues in a flexible way. The uniqueness of hand craft allows consumers to see the message and concept of the product through their favorite works, and thus resonate.

The technique of polymer clay is challenging and Sherry has studied the craftsmanship, combining the Chinese lacquerware craftsmanship, the Japanese "mokume" metal craftsmanship, and the " Millefiori" glass craftsmanship developed from the 18th century in the West, to create her unique technique {WenWen Clay Technique}. More than 18 layers of polymer clay are stacked, and then convex, concave, twisted, and shaped to make beautiful patterns such as swirl, wood, running water, etc. By applying the beautiful clay artwork to practical products, the concept of the eternal universe is transformed, using subtle undulating lines and totems, organic geometric shapes to convey the sustainability of the earth's environment from daily environmental protection. Create the art of "beauty and honor, so that people can carry it anytime, anywhere". Behind the art, she conveys the concept of loving the earth to more people.



展現品味的不只是穿著, WENWENWORKS 讓你從現在起,⾃⼰定義!

未命名設計 (9)



l 溫紋陶 l 人生勝利組 對筷 (4)